Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka Biography: Age & Net Worth

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka – Adoration Ministry

Stage Name: Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka
Real Name: Ejike Mbakai
Occupation: Reverend Father
Date Of Birth/Age: 29 December 1970 (53 Years Old)
Place of Birth: Amata-Ituku, Awgu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Gender: Male
Nationality: Nigerian
Marital Status: N/A
Education: Bigard Memorial Seminary
Known for: Adoration Ministry

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka is a prominent Nigerian Catholic priest, preacher, and social activist. He was born on December 29, 1970, in Amata-Ituku, Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in religion and spirituality. He was raised in a Catholic family, which played a significant role in nurturing his faith. In pursuit of his religious vocation, Mbaka joined the Catholic Church and entered the seminary to begin his training as a priest. He studied philosophy and theology at the Bigard Memorial Seminary in Enugu and was later ordained as a Catholic priest in 1995.

Ministry and Charismatic Renewal

After his ordination, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka embarked on his ministry, serving in various capacities within the Catholic Church. He gained recognition for his charismatic preaching style and a focus on issues of social justice and empowerment, especially for the poor and marginalized.

Mbaka founded the Adoration Ministry in 1996, based at the Christ the King Parish, a Catholic Church in Enugu. The Adoration Ministry quickly grew in popularity and became one of the largest and most influential Catholic charismatic groups in Nigeria. Through his preaching and healing services, Mbaka gained a massive following, drawing thousands of people to his events.

Social and Political Involvement

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka’s influence extended beyond religious matters. He became known for his outspokenness on social and political issues in Nigeria. He was unafraid to critique government policies, corruption, and the plight of the common people. Mbaka advocated for good governance and called on politicians to be accountable to their constituents.

Mbaka has had relationships with various political leaders, including presidents and governors. His involvement in politics and public statements sometimes led to speculation about his proximity to those in power and accusations of partisanship. On the other hand, some praised him for using his platform to hold political leaders accountable and advocate for good governance.

FR Mbaka and Gov. Umahi
FR Mbaka and Gov. Umahi


Fr. Mbaka and President Buhari
Fr. Mbaka and President Buhari

Controversial Statements

Over the years, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has made several controversial statements about politicians and their actions. He has been critical of certain government policies and officials, calling for accountability and transparency in governance. His remarks often stirred public debates and reactions from both supporters and critics.

Influence on Politics

Mbaka’s involvement in politics and his ability to draw large crowds gave him significant influence over public opinion. His prophetic predictions about election outcomes could sway some voters, and his endorsements were perceived to boost the chances of the candidates he supported.

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Accusations of Partisanship

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has faced accusations of being politically biased in his pronouncements. Critics argue that his political endorsements and favorable predictions suggested a close association with certain politicians, potentially compromising his role as a spiritual leader.

Clash with the Government

At times, Mbaka’s critical remarks about the government led to tensions between him and the authorities. In response to some of his statements, there were instances of threats and attempts to silence him. However, his large following and public support often acted as a shield against any severe repercussions.

Mixed Reactions from the Public

Mbaka’s political involvement and prophetic statements evoked mixed reactions from the Nigerian public. While some admired his courage to speak truth to power, others viewed his actions with skepticism, questioning the appropriateness of a religious leader being so deeply immersed in politics.

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Notable Contributions

Throughout his ministry, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has been involved in various humanitarian projects. He established schools, hospitals, and other charitable initiatives to uplift the less privileged in society. His devotion to the welfare of the poor earned him both admiration and criticism.

His adoration crusades and programs were broadcasted on television and social media platforms, further expanding his reach and influence beyond Nigeria’s borders.

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Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka Net Worth 

As of 2022, Father Ejike Mbaka’s net worth is estimated to be approximately $50 million, primarily derived from his income as a Catholic priest.

Throughout his religious career, Father Mbaka has served as a Catholic priest, preacher, and social activist. His charismatic preaching style and dedication to the ministry have garnered him a massive following, leading to substantial financial support from his supporters and the Catholic community.
